Micro Controller Notes


DAY 1:

LED (Light Emitting Diodes)

Light Emitting Diodes (LED) is the most commonly used components, usually for displaying pins digital states. Typical uses of LEDs include alarm devices, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke.

Interfacing LED

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the LED to microcontroller. As you can see the Anode is connected through a resistor to GND . the Cathode is connected to the Microcontroller pin. So when the Port Pin is HIGH the LED is OFF. when the Port Pin is LOW the LED is turned ON.

Interface LEDs with PIC16F

Interfacing LED with PIC16F887

We now want to flash a LED in PIC16F/18F Evaluation board. It works by turning ON a LED & then turning it OFF & then looping back to START. However the operating speed of microcontroller is very high.so the flashing frequency will also be very fast to be detected by human eye.

The PIC16F/18F Evaluation board has eight numbers of point LEDs. That 8 pins connected with I/O Port lines (PORTx.0 – PORTx.7) to make port pins high.



Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for  Interface LEDs with PIC16f

Circuit Diagram to Interface LED with PIC16F887circuit diagram for Interface LEDs with PIC16f

Source Code


#define led PORTB

void delay(int x)




            void main()















The Interfacing LED with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, that uses a delay procedure loop based software delay. In C programs you cannot be sure of delay, because it depends on compiler how it optimizes the loops as soon as you make changes in the options the delay changes.

C Program to switch ON and OFF LED using PIC16F

To compile the above C code you must need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech C Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16F/18F Evaluation board.

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller IC PIC16F887 through USB port.

Testing the LED with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Evaluation board; the LED is connected with PIC16F/18F Evaluation board. When the program is downloading into PIC16F887 in Evaluation Board, the LED output is working that the LED is ON some time period and the LED is OFF some other time period.

If you are not reading any output from LED, then you just check the jumper connections & check the LED is working. Otherwise you just check it with debugging mode in Mplab.

DAY 2:

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Liquid Crystal Display also called as LCD is very helpful in providing user interface as well as for debugging purpose. A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals (LCs). LCD Modules can present textual information to user.

Interfacing LCD

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the LCD to microcontroller. The 2×16 character LCD interface card with supports both modes 4-bit and 8-bit interface, and also facility to adjust contrast through trim pot. In 8-bit interface 11 lines needed to create 8-bit interface; 8 data bits (D0 – D7), three control lines, address bit (RS), read/write bit (R/W) and control signal (E).

Interfacing LCD with PIC16F877A PIC Development BoardCircuit diagram for Interface LCD with PIC16F877A PIC Development Board

Fig. 1 Interfacing LCD to Microcontroller

Interfacing LCD with PIC16F887

We now want to display a text in PIC16F/18F Development Board by using LCD module. In PIC16F/18F Development Board contains the LCD connections in a single header.

The PIC16F/18F Development Board has eleven numbers of LCD connections, connected with I/O Port lines (PORTE.0 – PORTE.3 && PORTD.0 – PORTD.7) to make LCD display.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887pin assignment for Interface LCD with PIC16F877A PIC Development Board

Circuit Diagram to Interface LCD with PIC16F887

Circuit diagram for Interface LCD with PIC16F877A PIC Development Board

Source Code

The Interfacing LCD with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, which display a text in 2 X 16 LCD modules. Some delay is occurring when a single command / data is executed.

C Program to display a text in LCD using PIC16F887


//Define PIC Registers


//Define I/O Functions __CONFIG(0x3f72);

//Select HS oscillator, Enable (PWRTE,BOREN),

//Disable (CPD,CP,WDTEN,In-circuit Debugger)

#define RS RE0

//LCD Register Select

#define RW RE1

//LCD Read/Write Pin

#define EN RE2

//LCD Enable Pin

#define DATA PORTD

//LCD Data Port


//LCD Data Port Direction Register

#define CNTRLDIR TRISE //RS,RW,EN Direction Register void lcdinit(void);

//LCD initialization Function void lcdclr(void);

//LCD Clear Function void lcdcomd(unsigned char);

//LCD Command Declaring Fucntion void lcddata(unsigned char);

//LCD Data Display Fucntion void DelayMs(unsigned int);

void main()


int i;

unsigned char First[]={" PIC DEV. BOARD "};

unsigned char Secnd[]={"LCD DEMO PROGRAM"};









//Display the Message







//Display the Message








void lcdinit(void)


int i;

unsigned char command[]={0x38,0x0c,0x06,0x01};

//LCD Command set for 8 bit Interface, 2 Lines, 5x7 Dots ADCON1 = 0x07;

//Make PORTE Pin as Digital CNTRLDIR = 0x00;

//Make LCD control port (PORTE) as output DATADIR = 0x00; DelayMs(50);

//Make LCD Data Port (PORTD) as output port for(i=0;i<4;i++)



//Send the Initialisation Commands DelayMs(5);




void lcdclr(void)

//Send LCD clear command





void lcdcomd(unsigned char cmd)




//Select Command Register, R/W--write enabled EN=1;

//Enable LCD to accept commands DATA=cmd;

EN=0; DelayMs(5);

//Give a Pulse via Enable pin


void lcddata(unsigned char byte)




//Select Data register, R/W--write enabled EN=1;


//Give a Pulse via Enable pin EN=0;



void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)


int delay_cnst;




for(delay_cnst = 0;

delay_cnst <220;delay_cnst++);



To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech C Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without microcontroller Board.

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller through USB port.

Testing the LCD Module with PIC16F877A

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Development Board; the LCD is connected with microcontroller PIC16F/18F Development Board. When the program is downloading into PIC16F877A in Development Board, the screen should show the text messages.

If you are not reading any text from LCD, then you just check the jumper connections & adjust the trim pot level. Otherwise you just check it with debugging mode in Mplab.


DAY 3:

GLCD (Graphical Liquid Crystal Display)

The Graphics LCD as the name suggests is a type of LCD which can display graphics. The graphical representation of any data presents good understanding than just characters. More user friendly applications can be designed by using the graphical LCDs.

Interfacing GLCD

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the GLCD to microcontroller. The 128X64 Graphical LCD interfaces to adjust contrast through trim pot. The GLCD needed to create 8-bit interface; 8 data bits (D0 – D7), three control lines, address bit (RS), read/write bit (R/W) and control signal (E), Page Select (CS).

Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Fig. 1 Interfacing GLCD to Microcontroller

Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F887

We now want to display a text in PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board by using GLCD module. The PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board has numbers of GLCD connections, connected with I/O Port lines (PORTE.0 – PORTE.2 & PORTD.0 – PORTD.7) to make GLCD display.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for Interface GLCD with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Circuit Diagram to Interface GLCD with PIC16F

circuit diagram for Interface GLCD with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Source Code

The Interfacing GLCD with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, which display a text in 128 X 64 GLCD modules. Some delay is occurring when a single command / data is executed. In C programs you cannot be sure of delay, because it depends on compiler how it optimizes the loops as soon as you make changes in the options the delay changes.

C Program to display a text in GLCD using PIC16F



#define CS1 RA4

#define CS2 RA5

#define RS RA1

#define RW RA2

#define E RA3

#define DATA PORTD void DelayMs(unsigned int);

void GLCD_Init(void);

void GLCD_Comd(unsigned char);

void GLCD_Data(unsigned char);

void GLCD_PutPicture(const unsigned char *);

void Select_page(unsigned char);

void GLCD_ClrScr(void);

unsigned int Page=0,i=0;

unsigned int Column=0;

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void main(void)



ADCON1= 7;

TRISA = 0;

TRISD = 0x00;












void GLCD_Init()


unsigned char Comd[5]={0xc0,0xb8,0x40,0x3f};








void Select_page(unsigned char Page)




CS1=0; CS2=1;








void GLCD_Comd(unsigned char command)








void GLCD_Data(unsigned char data)








void GLCD_PutPicture(const unsigned char *ip)

//Change here for method 1,2 and 3


for (Page = 0; Page < 8; Page++)



GLCD_Comd(0xb8 | Page);


for (Column = 0;

Column < 128; Column++)


if (Column == 64)



GLCD_Comd(0xb8 | Page);




//This is Method 3




void GLCD_ClrScr(void)


for (Page = 0; Page < 8; Page++)



GLCD_Comd(0xb8 | Page);


for (Column = 0;

Column < 128; Column++)


if (Column == 64)



GLCD_Comd(0xb8 | Page);




//This is Method 3




void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)


int delay_cnst; while(Ms>0)



for(delay_cnst = 0;delay_cnst <220;delay_cnst++);



To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech C Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without microcontroller Advanced Development Board .

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller through USB.



Testing the Graphical LCD Module with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board, the Graphical LCD is connected with microcontroller PIC16F/18F Board. When the program is downloading into PIC16F887 in Advanced Development Board, the screen should show the image output.

If you are not getting any output from Graphical LCD, then you just check the jumper connections & adjust the trim pot level. Otherwise you just check it with debugging mode in Mplab.

DAY 4:


keypad is a set of buttons arranged in a block or “pad” which usually bear digits, symbols and usually a complete set of alphabetical letters. If it mostly contains numbers then it can also be called a numeric keypad. Here we are using 4 X 4 matrix keypad.

Interfacing keypad

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the 4 X 4 matrix keypad to two ports in microcontroller. The rows are connected to an output port and the columns are connected to an input port.

To detect a pressed key, the microcontroller grounds all rows by providing 0 to the output latch, and then it reads the columns. If the data read from the columns is D3-D0=1111, no key has been pressed and the process continues until a key press is detected. However, if one of the column bits has a zero, this means that a key press has occurred. For example, if D3-D0=1101, this means that a key in the D1 column has been pressed.

After a key press is detected, the microcontroller will go through the process of identifying the key. Starting with the top row, the microcontroller grounds it by providing a low to row D0 only; then it reads the columns.

If the data read is all 1s, no key in that row is activated and the process is moved to the next row. It grounds the next row, reads the columns, and checks for any zero. This process continues until the row is identified. After identification of the row in which the key has been pressed, the next task is to find out which column the pressed key belongs to.


Interfacing Keypad with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Interfacing keypad with PIC16F887

We now want to scan a keypad in PIC16F/18F Advanced Development .In case of 4X4 matrix Keypad both the ends of switches are connected to the port pin i.e. four rows and four columns. So in all sixteen switches have been interfaced using just eight lines.

1Keypads arranged by matrix format, each row and column section pulled by high or low by selection J15, all row lines(PORTB.0 – PORTB.3) and column lines(PORTB.4 to PORTB.7) connected directly by the port pins.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for interfacing Keypad with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Circuit Diagram to Interface keypad with PIC16F887

circuit diagram for Interface Keypad with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Source Code

The Interfacing keypad with PIC16F877A program is very simple and straight forward, that scan a keypad rows and columns. When the rows and columns are detected then it will display in PC through UART0. The C programs are developed in Mplab software with Hi-Tech Compiler.

C Program to 4 X 4 matrix keypad using PIC16F887


// Define PIC Registers


// Define I/O functions __CONFIG(0x3f72);

// Select HS oscillator, Enable (PWRTE,BOREN),

// Disable (CPD,CP,WDTEN,In-circuit Debugger)

#define FOSC 10000

#define BAUD_RATE 9.6

//9600 Baudrate #define BAUD_VAL (char)(FOSC/ (16 * BAUD_RATE )) - 1;

//Calculation For 9600 Baudrate @10Mhz void SerialInit(void);

//Serial port Initialization Function void ScanCol(void);

//Column Scan Function void ScanRow(void);

//Row Scan Function void DelayMs(unsigned int);

unsigned char KeyArray[4][4]= { '1','2','3','4', '5','6','7','8', '9','A','B','C', 'D','E','F','0'};

//Keypad value Initialization Function unsigned char Count[4][4]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

int Col=0,Row=0,count=0,i,j;

void main()





//Enable PORTB Pullup values while(1)



// Enable the 4 LSB as I/P & 4 MSB as O/P PORTB=0;


// Get the ROW value ScanRow(); TRISB=0xf0;

// Enable the 4 LSB as O/P & 4 MSB as I/P PORTB=0; while(PORTB==0xf0);

// Get the Column value ScanCol(); DelayMs(150);


// Count the Pressed key printf("[%c] Pressed:[%d] Times\n\r", KeyArray[Row][Col],Count[Row][Col]); DelayMs(200);



void ScanRow()

// Row Scan Function




case 0x07: Row=3;

// 4th Row break;

case 0x0b: Row=2;

// 3rd Row break;

case 0x0d: Row=1;

// 2nd Row break;

case 0x0e: Row=0;

// 1st Row break;



void ScanCol()

// Column Scan Function {



case 0x70: Col=3;

// 4th Column break;

case 0xb0: Col=2;

// 3rd Column break;

case 0xd0: Col=1;

// 2nd Column break; case 0xe0: Col=0;

// 1st Column break;



void SerialInit()



// RC7,RC6 set to usart mode(INPUT) TXSTA=0x24;

//Enable Serial Transmission, Asynchronous mode, High Speed mode SPBRG=BAUD_VAL;

// 9600 Baud rate selection RCSTA=0x90;

// Enable Serial Port & Continuous Receive printf("Press Anyone Key:\n\r");


void putch(unsigned char character)



// Wait for the TXREG register to be empty TXREG=character;

// Display the Character


void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)


int delay_cnst; while(Ms>0)



for(delay_cnst = 0;

delay_cnst <220;



To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16F/18F Advanced Development.The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller IC PIC16F887 through USB port.

Testing the Keypad with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Advanced Development.The serial cable is connected between the PIC16F/18F Advanced Development and PC.Open the Hyper Terminal screen, select which port you are using and set the default settings. Now the screen should show some text messages & it display which key is pressed in keypad.

DAY 5:


Relays are devices which allow low power circuits to switch a relatively high Current/Voltage ON/OFF. A relay circuit is typically a smaller switch or device which drives (opens/closes) an electric switch that is capable of carrying much larger current amounts.

Interfacing Relays

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the Relay to microcontroller. There are 2 input channels. Each input is connected to the triggering coil of the respective relay. There are 2 output channels that each correspond to an input. When the input is energized, the relay turns on and the ‘+’ output is connected to +12v. When the relay is off, the ‘+’ output is connected to Ground. The ‘-‘ output is permanently wired to Ground.Interfacing  Relay with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Interfacing Relay with PIC16F887

We now want to control the relay operations by using PIC16f/18FAdvanced Development Board.Here we are using two Relays. The relay consists of a coil and a switch. When the coil is energized, the switch closes, connecting the two contacts together. ULN2803 is used as a driver for port I/O lines, drivers output connected to relay modules. Connector provided for external power supply if needed.

Relay Module: Port B pins (Relay1 – PORTB.0) and Relay2-PORTB.1) for relay module, make port pins to high, relay will activated.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for Interface Relay with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Circuit Diagram to Interface Relay with PIC16F887

circuit diagram for Interface Relay with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Source Code

The Interfacing Relay with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, which control the relays in PIC16f/18F Advanced Development Board.The relay is working that uses a delay procedure loop based software delay. The C programs are developed in Mplab software with Hi-Tech Compiler.

C Program to control Relay in PIC16F887


//Define PIC Registers


//Define I/O Function

#define Relay1 RB0

//RB1 interfaced to Relay1

#define Relay2 RB1

//RB2 interfaced to Relay2 __CONFIG(0x3f72);

//Select HS oscillator, Enable (PWRTE,BOREN),

//Disable (CPD,CP,WDTEN,In-circuit Debugger)

#define FOSC 10000 //10Mhz==>10000Khz

#define BAUD_RATE 9.6 //9600 Baudrate

#define BAUD_VAL ((char)(FOSC/ (16 * BAUD_RATE )) – 1)

//Calculation For 9600 Baudrate @10Mhz void Serial_init(void);

//Serial Communication Initialization void DelayMs(unsigned int);

void main()


unsigned char ReceivChar;

TRISB = 0x00;

PORTB = 0x04;

//PORTB configured as O/P Serial_init();



printf("\n\r\t3: Relay1 ON \n\r\t4: Relay1 OFF");

printf("\n\r\t5: Relay2 ON \n\r\t6: Relay2 OFF\n\r\n");




//Wait until the reception is over RCIF=0;

//Clear the flag for next reception ReceivChar=RCREG;

//Store the received char to a variable printf(" %c",ReceivChar);

//Dislpay the character received switch(ReceivChar)


case '3': //If '3' is received Relay1 turned ON Relay1=1;


case '4': //If '4' is received Relay1 turned OFF Relay1=0;

break; case '5': //If '5' is received Relay2 turned ON Relay2=1;

break; case '6': //If '6' is received Relay1 turned OFF Relay2=0;





void Serial_init()



//RC7,RC6 set to usart mode(INPUT) TXSTA=0x24;

//Enable(Serial TXn,//Asynchronous, High Speed) SPBRG=BAUD_VAL;

//9600 baud at 10Mhz RCSTA=0x90;

//Usart Enable, Continuous receive enable TXIF=1;

//Start Transmit


void putch(unsigned char data)




//Transmit the data serially


void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)


int delay_cnst; while(Ms>0)



for(delay_cnst = 0;delay_cnst <220;




To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech C Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16f/18F Advanced Development Board.

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller IC PIC16F887 through USB port.

Testing the Relay with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16f/18F Advanced Development Board .The Relay module is connected with PIC16f/18F Advanced Development Board. When the program is downloading into PIC16F887 in Advanced Development Board , the Relay output is working that the Relay is ON some time period and the Relay is OFF some other time of period.

If you are not getting any output from Relay, then you just check the jumper connections & check the Relay is connected properly. Otherwise you just check it with debugging mode in Mplab.

DAY 6,7,8:


I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit)

The I2C (Inter-IC) bus is a bi-directional two-wire serial bus that provides a communication link between integrated circuits (ICs).I2C is a synchronous protocol that allows a master device to initiate communication with a slave device. Data is exchanged between these devices.

RTC (Real Time Clock)

The DS1307 Serial Real-Time Clock is a low-power; full binary-coded decimal (BCD) clock/calendar plus 56 bytes of NV SRAM. Address and data are transferred serially via a 2-wire, bi-directional bus. The clock/calendar provides seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. The end of the month date is automatically adjusted for months with fewer than 31 days, including corrections for leap year. The clock operates in either the 24-hour or 12-hour format with AM/PM indicator.

Interfacing I2C – RTC

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the EEPROM with microcontroller through I2CI2C is a Master-Slave protocol. I2C has a clock pulse along with the data. The master device controls the clock line, SCL. This line dictates the timing of all transfers on the I2C bus. No data will be transferred unless the clock is manipulated.

I2c bus supports many devices, each device is recognized by a unique address—whether it’s a micro-controller, LCD Driver, memory or keyboard interface and can operate as transmitter or receiver based on the functioning of the device. The controller designed controls the RTC ds1307 device through I2C protocol. The I2C Controller here acts as a master device and controls RTC ds1307 which acts as a slave. The read operation is accomplished by sending a set of control signals including the address and/or data bits. The control signals must be accompanied with proper clock signals.

interfacing i2c-rtc with pic16f877a

Interfacing I2C – RTC with PIC16F887

We now want to read date & time by using I2C – RTC in PIC16F/18F Development Board. Wiring up an I2C based RTC to the I2C port is relatively simple. The RTC also makes the software easier as it takes care of all calendar functions; accounting for leap years etc. The DS1307 (RTC) Real Time Clock IC (an I2C real time clock) is an 8 pin device using an I2C interface.

In PIC16F/18F Development Kit 2 nos. of RTC lines are controlled by I2C Enabled drivers. I2C Lines serial clock of CLK (RC3), serial data of DATA (RC4) connected to the I2C based serial RTC ds1307 IC. The date & times are read in PIC16F/18F Development Kit by using these DATA & CLK I2C lines.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for Interface I2C-RTC with PIC16F877A

Circuit Diagram to Interface I2C–RTC with PIC16F

circuit diagram for Interface I2C-RTC with PIC16F877A

Source Code

The Interfacing I2C – RTC with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward that read date & time in RTC by using I2C & the value is displayed in serial port. A delay is occurring in every single data read from RTC. The delay depends on compiler how it optimizes the loops as soon as you make changes in the options the delay changes.

C Program to interface I2C – RTC with PIC16F


//Define PIC Registers



//Select HS oscillator, Enable (PWRTE,BOREN),

//Disable (CPD,CP,WDTEN,In-circuit Debugger)

#define LC01CTRLIN 0xd0

#define LC01CTRLOUT 0xd1

#define I2C_FREG 100

#define FOSC 10000

#define BAUD_RATE 9.6

// 9600 Baud rate

#define BAUD_VAL (char)(FOSC/ (16 * BAUD_RATE )) - 1;

//Calculation For 9600 Baudrate @10Mhz unsigned char sec,min,hour,day,date,month,year; unsigned char data[7]={0x45,0x59,0x71,0x04,0x05,0x10,0x06};

int i;

void DS1307Write(unsigned char,unsigned char);

void WaitMSSP();

unsigned char DS1307Read(unsigned char);

void i2c_init(void); void ds1307_init(void);

void serial_init(void);

void DelayMs(unsigned int);

void main()


int count=0;











// Read second min=DS1307Read(1);

// Read minute hour=DS1307Read(2);

// Read hour day=DS1307Read(3);

// Read day date=DS1307Read(4);

// Read date month=DS1307Read(5);

// Read month year=DS1307Read(6);

// Read year printf("Time: %x : %x : %x ",(hour&0x1f),min,sec);

//Display the Hours, Minutes, Seconds(hours is taken from 5 LSB bits printf("Date: %x / %x / %x \r",date,month,year);

//Display the Date, Month, Year DelayMs(150);



void DS1307Write(unsigned char addr, unsigned char data)



//Initiate Start condition on SDA & SCL pins WaitMSSP();


// Slave address + Write command WaitMSSP();


// Write the location WaitMSSP();


// Write the Data WaitMSSP();


// Enable the Stop bit WaitMSSP();


//Write the location (memory address of Hour, minute, etc... WtMSSP ();


// Enable the repeated Start Condition WaitMSSP ();


// Slave address + Read command WaitMSSP ();


// Enable to receive data WaitMSSP (); ACKDT=1;

// Acknowledge the operation (Send NACK) ACKEN=1;

// Acknowledge sequence on SDA & SCL pins PEN=1;

// Enable the Stop bit WaitMSSP (); x=SSPBUF;

// Store the Receive value in a variable return (x);


void WaitMSSP()



// SSPIF is zero while TXion is progress SSPIF=0;


void ds1307_init()



// RC3,RC4 set to I2C Mode(Input) TRISC4=1;


// Enable the SDA,SCL & I2C Master Mode SSPADD=(FOSC / (4 * I2C_FREG)) - 1;

// SSP baud rate 100Khz SSPSTAT=0x80;

// Disable slew Rate control PORTC=0x18;



void serial_init()



// RC7, RC6 set to USART Mode TRISC7=1;


// Enable Transmission, Asynchronous mode, High Speed mode SPBRG=BAUD_VAL;

// 9600 Baud rate selection RCSTA=0x90;

// Enable Serial Port & Continuous Reception TXIF=1;

// Enable Transmission


void putch(unsigned char byte)

//Required for printf statement



// Wait for the Transmit Buffer to be empty TXREG = byte;

// Transmit the Data } void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)


int delay_cnst; while(Ms>0)



for(delay_cnst = 0;delay_cnst <220;delay_cnst++);



To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16F/18F Development Board

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller IC PIC16F887 through USB port.

Testing the I2C – RTC with PIC16F/18F

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Development Board; the RTC Battery device is connected with the PIC16F/18F Development Board. First check the entire Battery device fixed properly. A serial cable is connected between the microcontroller and PC.

In PC, open the Hyper Terminal for displaying the values from RTC.

Now, the Hyper Terminal shows the received data from RTC Battery through I2C.

If the Hyper Terminal is working but it is not reading any value from PIC16F/18F Development Board, then you just check the jumper connections. Change the Battery & ds1307 device.

If you are not receiving any data in Hyper Terminal, then you just check the serial cable is working or not. Otherwise you just check the code with debugging mode in Mplab.

DAY 9,10:


UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) are one of the basic interfaces which provide a cost effective simple and reliable communication between one controller to another controller or between a controller and PC.



RS-232 Level Converter

Usually all the digital ICs work on TTL or CMOS voltage levels which cannot be used to communicate over RS-232 protocol. So a voltage or level converter is needed which can convert TTL to RS232 and RS232 to TTL voltage levels. The most commonly used RS-232 level converter is MAX232.

This IC includes charge pump which can generate RS232 voltage levels (-10V and +10V) from 5V power supply. It also includes two receiver and two transmitters and is capable of full-duplex UART/USART communication.

RS-232 communication enables point-to-point data transfer. It is commonly used in data acquisition applications, for the transfer of data between the microcontroller and a PC.

The voltage levels of a microcontroller and PC are not directly compatible with those of RS-232, a level transition buffer such as MAX232 be used.


Interfacing UART

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the UART to microcontroller. To communicate over UART or USART, we just need three basic signals which are namely, RXD (receive), TXD (transmit), GND (common ground). So to interface UART with LPC2148, we just need the basic signals.

interfacing uart with pic16f877a pic advanced development board

Interfacing UART with PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board

We now want to display a text in PC from by using UART module. It contains two serial interfaces that are UART & UART1. Here we are using UART. The Transmitter pins send the data into PC and the receiver pin receives the data from PC. The PC and microcontroller speed are denoted by using baud rate. When the baud rates of both PC and Microcontroller are same, then only the data transmit and receive correctly otherwise not.


Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for interfacing uart with pic16f877a pic advanced development board

Circuit Diagram to Interface UART with PIC16F887

circuit diagram for interfacing Uart with pic16f877a advanced development board

Source Code

The Interfacing UART with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, which display a text in PC from PIC16F887 Advanced Development Board Board through UART. Some delay is occurring when a single data is sent to PC. The C programs are written in Mplab software with Hi-Tech C Compiler. The baud rate of microcontroller is 9600.

C Program to display a text in PC from PIC16F887

#include __CONFIG(0x3f72);

#define FOSC 10000


#define BAUD_RATE 9.6

//9600 Baudrate

#define BAUD_VAL (char)(FOSC/ (16 * BAUD_RATE )) - 1;

//Calculation For 9600 Baudrate @10Mhz void main()


unsigned char ReceiveChar;


//RC7,RC6 set to usart mode(INPUT) TXSTA=0x24;

//Transmit Enable SPBRG=BAUD_VAL;

//9600 baud at 10Mhz RCSTA=0x90;

//Usart Enable, Continus receive enable TXREG='0';



if (RCIF==1)

//char received? Send 'A' back to Terminal









To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech C Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board.

Testing the UART with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board.The serial cable is connected between the PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board and PC. Open the Hyper Terminal screen, select which port you are using and set the default settings. Now the screen should show some text messages. If you are not reading any text from UART, then you just check the jumper connections & just check the serial cable is working. Otherwise you just check the code with debugging mode in Mplab. If you want to see more details about debugging just see the videos in below link.

How to Interface ds1820 with PIC16F887 pic advanced development board

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Microcontroller IC PIC16F887 is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such way that all the possible features of the microcontroller will be easily used by the students. The kit supports in system programming (ISP) which is done through USB port.

Microchip’s PIC (PIC16F877A)PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board is proposed to smooth the progress of developing and debugging of various designs encompassing of High speed 8-bit Microcontrollers

DAY 11:

Temperature Sensor

DS1820 is a temperature sensor which is small sensor. The output of sensor converted to digital that easy connecting with microcontroller.

Interfacing ds1820

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the ds1820 to microcontroller. As you can see the first pin is connected to GND, the third pin is connected to VCC & the second pin is connected to the Microcontroller. So when the temperature is sensing, it give the sensor reading to controller.

Interfacing ds1820

Interfacing ds1820 with PIC16F887

We now want to read the temperature in PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board from temperature sensor ds1820. The PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board uses the ADC pin for reading temperature from temperature sensor ds1820. The reading output is displayed into PC through UART.

The 10 bit ADC used to read temperature. Basic clocking for the A/D converters is provided by the VPB clock. A programmable divider is included in each converter, to scale this clock to the 4.5 MHz (max) clock needed by the successive approximation process. A fully accurate conversion requires 11 of these clocks.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for Interface ds1820 with PIC16F877A pic advanced development board

Circuit Diagram to Interface ds1820 with PIC16F887

circuit diagram for Interface ds1820 with PIC16F877A pic advanced development board

Source Code

The Interfacing ds1820 with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, that reading temperature from temperature sensor ds1820 and it display into PC through serial port.

C Program to read temperature using PIC16F887


#include "delay.c"


#define DQ RC0

#define DQ_DIR TRISC0

#define FOSC 10000

#define BAUD_RATE 9.6

// 9600 Baudrate

#define BAUD_VAL (char)(FOSC/ (16 * BAUD_RATE )) - 1;

// Calculation For 9600 Baudrate @10Mhz unsigned char i=0;

float Temerature=0;

void ds1820_init();

void Reset(void);

void write(unsigned char);

unsigned char Read(void);

void Serial_init();

void main()


unsigned char Temp[9];






// Clear the Hyper terminal;






DQ_DIR = 1;



// this will be raised after finishing conversion Reset();



for(i=0;i<9;i++) Temp[i] = Read();

// Read 9 bytes for(i=0;i<9;i++) printf("%d ",Temp[i]);









void ds1820_init()


DQ = 1;

DQ_DIR = 1;

// pull up } void Reset(void)


DQ_DIR = 0;

DQ = 0;



// 500us DQ_DIR = 1;


// 40us while(DQ==1);

// wait until presence pulse DelayMs(1);


// 500us


void write(unsigned char cmd)




DQ_DIR = 0;

pull down DQ = 0;


// 10us DQ = (cmd & 0x01)?1:0;

// Send bit cmd = cmd >> 1;

DelayUs(120); // >45us DQ_DIR = 1;

// release



unsigned char Read(void)


unsigned char temp=0,RecDat=0; for(i=0;i<8;i++)


DQ_DIR = 0; DQ = 0;

// pull down DelayUs(25);

// 10us DQ_DIR = 1;

// release DelayUs(25);

// 10us temp = DQ;

// read bit temp = temp<<i; RecDat |= temp;


// 30us


return RecDat;


void Serial_init()



// RC7,RC6 set to usart mode(INPUT) TXSTA=0x24;

// Transmit Enable SPBRG=BAUD_VAL;

// 9600 baud at 10Mhz RCSTA=0x90;

// USART Enable, Continuous receive enable TXIF=1;

// Start Transmit


 void putch(unsigned char Data)

// data TX required for printf



TXREG = Data;


To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without Advanced Development Board.

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board through USB port line.

Testing the ds1820 with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board.The serial cable is connected between the controller and PC. Open the Hyper Terminal screen, select which port you are using and set the default settings. Now the screen should show the current temperature readings.

Bring a Hot soldering iron tip near the ds1820’s pins, don’t touch it keep it 1 or 2mm away. The screen should update with the rising temperature. Now finally touch the pins of ds1820 with the tip of iron, the temperature should rise quickly. Keep it there until temperature rise to 80 degrees, and then remove the iron.

If any data is not coming in Hyper Terminal, then you just check the serial cable is working or not. Otherwise you just check the code with debugging mode in Mplab.

DAY 12,13:

Generating PWM with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such way that all the possible features of the microcontroller will be easily used by the students. The kit supports in system programming (ISP) which is done through USB port.

Microchip’s PIC(PIC16F887)PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Kit is proposed to smooth the progress of developing and debugging of various designs encompassing of High speed 8-bit Microcontrollers.

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)

Pulse width modulation (PWM) is a powerful technique for controlling analog circuits with a processor’s digital outputs. PWM is employed in a wide variety of applications, ranging from measurement and communications to power control and conversion.

Interfacing PWM

Figure 1 shows four different PWM signals. One is PWM output at a 25% duty cycle. That is, the signal is on for 25% of the period and off the other 75%. Next shows PWM output at 50%, 75% and 100% duty cycles, respectively. These three PWM outputs encode three different analog signal values, at 10%, 50%, and 90% of the full strength.

Generating PWM with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Fig. 1 PWM Outputs

Interfacing PWM with PIC16F887

We now want to generate a PWM in PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board at a particular frequency. Pulse Width Modulation is a technique for getting analog results with digital means.

Digital control is used to create a square wave, a signal switched between on and off. This on-off pattern can simulate voltages in between full on (5 Volts) and off (0 Volts) by changing the portion of the time the signal spends on versus the time that the signal spends off. The duration of “on time” is called the pulse width. To get varying analog values, you change, or modulate, that pulse width.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F887

pin assignment for Generating PWM with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Circuit Diagram to Interface PWM with PIC16F887

circuit diagram for Generating PWM with PIC16F877A PIC Advanced Development Board

Source Code

The Interfacing PWM with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward, which generates a pulse pattern in a particular frequency. An ADC signal is used to varying the duty cycle of PWM signal. The C program is written in Mplab software & it executed with Hi-Tech C compiler.

C Program to generate PWM in PIC16F887


//Define PIC registers __CONFIG(0x3f72);

//Select HS oscillator, Enable (PWRTE,BOREN),

//Disable (CPD,CP,WDTEN,In-circuit Debugger)

#define XTAL 10000 //10Mhz=10000Khz

#define PWM_Freq 1 //1Khz PWM frequency

#define TMR2_PRE 16 //Timer2 Prescale

#define PR2_Val ((char)((XTAL/(4*TMR2_PRE*PWM_Freq))-1))

//Calculation for Period register PR2 (1Khz)

#define Duty_Cyc PR2_Val*2 unsigned int i;

void PWM_init(void);

void PWM_change(unsigned int);

void DelayMs(unsigned int);

void main(void)
















void PWM_init(void)



//PWM channel 1 and 2 configured as output TRISC1=0;

PORTC = 0x00; CCP1CON=0x0c;

//CCP1 and CCP2 are configured for PWM CCP2CON=0x0c;


//Move the PR2 value T2CON=0x03;

//Timer2 Prescale is 16 TMR2=0x00;


//Turn ON timer2


void PWM_change(unsigned int DTY)

//Duty cycle change routine



//Value is between 0 to 255 CCPR2L=DTY;


void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)

//Delay Routine


int delay_cnst; while(Ms>0)



for(delay_cnst = 0;delay_cnst <220;delay_cnst++);

//delay constant for 1Ms @10Mhz



To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech C Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board.

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller IC PIC16F877A through USB port.

Testing the PWM with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board. The PWM port line is connected in PIC16F/18F Advanced Development Board. When the program is downloading into PIC16F887 in Advanced Development Board, the PWM output is generating at a particular frequency.

If you are not reading any PWM output, then you just check the jumper connections. Otherwise you just check it with debugging mode in Mplab. If you want to see more details about debugging just see the videos in below link.

DAY 14,15:

How to Interface SPI-EEPROM with PIC16F – PIC Development Board

The PIC16F/18F Development Board is specifically designed to help students to master the required skills in the area of embedded systems. The kit is designed in such way that all the possible features of the microcontroller will be easily used by the students. The kit supports in system programming (ISP) which is done through USB port.

Microchip’s PIC ( PIC16F887), PIC16F/18F Development Kit is proposed to smooth the progress of developing and debugging of various designs encompassing of High speed 8-bit Microcontrollers.

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial data protocol used by microcontrollers for communicating with one or more peripheral devices quickly over short distances. It can also be used for communication between two microcontrollers.


EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory) is user-modifiable read-only memory (ROM). That can be erased and reprogrammed (written to) repeatedly through the application of higher than normal electrical voltage. It is a type of non-volatile memory.That can be used in computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed.For instance, calibration tables or device configuration.

Interfacing SPI – EEPROM

Fig. 1 shows how to interface the SPI-DAC to microcontroller. With an SPI connection there is always one master device (usually a microcontroller) which controls the peripheral devices. Typically there are three lines common to all the devices,

Master In Slave Out (MISO) – The Slave line for sending data to the master,

Master Out Slave In (MOSI) – The Master line for sending data to the peripherals,

Serial Clock (SCK) – The clock pulses which synchronize data transmission generated by the master, and

Slave Select pin – the pin on each device that the master can use to enable and disable specific devices. When a device’s Slave Select pin is low, it communicates with the master. When it’s high, it ignores the master.

These allow you to have multiple SPI devices sharing the same MISO, MOSI, and CLK lines.

Interface SPI-EEPROM with PIC16F PIC Development Board


The controller designed controls the EEPROM device through SPI protocol. The SPI Controller here acts as a master device and controls EEPROM which acts as a slave. The read-write operations are accomplished by sending a set of control signals including the address and/or data bits. The control signals must be accompanied with proper clock signals.

Interfacing SPI – EEPROM with PIC16F887

We now want to Read, write and Erase EEPROM by using SPI in PIC16F/18F Development Board. Wiring up an SPI based EEPROM to the SPI port is relatively simple. The basic operation of the SPI based EEPROM’s is to send a command, such as WRITE, followed by an address and the data. In WRITE operation, the EEPROM to store the data.

In SPI, the clock signal is controlled by the master device PIC16F/18F Development Board, All data is clocked in and out using this pin.

These lines need to be connected to the relevant pins on the PIC16F/18F Development Board. Any unused GIO pin can be used for CS, instead pull this pin high.

In PIC16F/18F Development Kit four nos. of EEPROM lines are controlled by SPI Enabled drivers. The SPI Lines Chip Select of CS (PORTC.0), serial clock of CLK (PORTC.3), serial input data of MISO (PORTC.4) and serial output data of MOSI (PORTC.5) connected to the SPI based serial EEPROM IC. The EEPROM read & write operations are done in PIC16F/18F Development Kit by using these CS, CLK, MOSI, MISO SPI lines.

Pin Assignment with PIC16F877A

pin assignment for Interface SPI-EEPROM with PIC16F PIC Development Board

Circuit Diagram to Interface SPI–EEPROM with PIC16F

Circuit diagram for Interface SPI-EEPROM with PIC16F PIC Development Board

Source Code

The Interfacing SPI – EEPROM with PIC16F887 program is very simple and straight forward . Read, write and erase operations in EEPROM by using SPI & the value is displayed in serial port. A delay is occurring in every single data read or write in EEPROM. The delay depends on compiler how it optimizes the loops as soon as you make changes in the options the delay changes.

C Program with SPI – EEPROM using PIC16F887



//HS oscillator,BODEN,PWRT and disable others

#define FOSC 10000


#define BAUD_RATE 9.6

//9600 Baudrate

#define BAUD_VAL (char)(FOSC/ (16 * BAUD_RATE )) - 1;

//Calculation For 9600 Baudrate @10Mhz

//SPI lines

#define CS RC0 //Chip select ON RC2

#define SI RC5 //Master Out Slave In

#define SO RC4 //Master in slave out

#define SCK RC3 //Clock /*SPI_COMMANDS*/

#define READ 0x03

#define WRITE 0x02

#define WRDI 0x04

#define WREN 0x06

#define RDSR 0x05

#define WRSR 0x01 unsigned char i,a,j;

unsigned char Msg[]="SPI TEST Program";

void Serial_init(void);

void SPi_init(void);

void SPi_WRITE(unsigned char);

unsigned char SPi_RDSR(void);

unsigned char SPi_READ(unsigned char);

void DelayMs(unsigned int);

void main()


unsigned char x;


//Enable RX,TX pin and Set MISO as input TRISD=0;

//and set the remaining pins as output Serial_init();

//Setup the serial port SPi_init();



//SPI ready? SPi_WRITE(0x00);

//Send initialisation Command DelayMs(10);







//Read byte from 25c040 and send via Usart ++x;





void SPi_init()



//Make CS pin high SI=0;

//Clear input pin SCK=0;

//Clock low


unsigned char SPi_RDSR()


unsigned char Data=0x05


//Initiate transmission by pulling CS pin low for(i=0;i<8;i++)


SI=(Data & 0x80)?1:0;

//Send Read Status Register Command bit by bit(MSB) first SCK=1;




for(i=0; i<8; i++)

//wait for 0x00--device not busy



Data|=((SO & 1)?1:0);





//Pull up return !Data;


void SPi_WRITE(unsigned char Addr)


unsigned char Data=WREN;





//Send Write Enable


SI=(Data & 0x80)?1:0;


Data=Data<<1; SCK=0;



//Rise CS and pull down again CS=0;


//Send WRITE command and Addr


SI=(AH & 0x8000)?1:0;

SCK=1; AH=AH<<1; SCK=0;



//Send Data's





SI=(Data & 0x80)?1:0;








unsigned char SPi_READ(unsigned char Addr)


int Data=READ; unsigned char RData=0;



//Device Ready?Proceed to next statement else wait here CS=0;

//Pull down CS for(i=0;i<16;i++)

//Send READ command and Addr


SI=(Data & 0x8000)?1:0;





for(i=0; i<8; i++)

//Read a Byte




RData|=((SO & 1)?1:0);




return RData;


void Serial_init()



//Transmit Enable SPBRG=BAUD_VAL;

//9600 baud at 10Mhz RCSTA=0x90;

//Usart Enable, Continus receive enable TXREG=0x00;

//Dummy transmission printf("\033[2J");

//Clear the Hypherterminal;


void putch(unsigned char character)



//Wait for the TXREG register to be empty TXREG=character;

//Display the Character


void DelayMs(unsigned int Ms)


int delay_cnst; while(Ms>0)



for(delay_cnst = 0;delay_cnst <220;delay_cnst++);


To compile the above C code you need the Mplab software & Hi-Tech Compiler. They must be properly set up and a project with correct settings must be created in order to compile the code. To compile the above code, the C file must be added to the project.

In Mplab, you want to develop or debug the project without any hardware setup. You must compile the code for generating HEX file. In debugging Mode, you want to check the port output without PIC16F/18F Development Board.

The PICKIT2 software is used to download the hex file into your microcontroller IC PIC16F887 through USB port.

Testing the SPI – EEPROM with PIC16F887

Give +12V power supply to PIC16F/18F Development Board; the EEPROM device is connected with the PIC16F/18F Development Board. First check the entire EEPROM device fixed properly. A serial cable is connected between the microcontroller and PC. In PC, open the Hyper Terminal for displaying the values from EEPROM through SPI.

The Read & Write operations are performed in EEPROM with EEPROM address. When the EEPROM address is correct, then only you can write, read, and erase data’s correctly in EEPROM.

If any data is not coming in Hyper Terminal, then you just check the serial cable is working or not. Otherwise you just check the code with debugging mode in Mplab. If you want to see more details about debugging just see the videos in below link.



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